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CO2 Euthanasia

Inhumane | Inefficient |  Unsafe
CO2 Euthanasia is the current global standard for research animal euthanasia...

The use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a means of euthanasia for research animals is the most common practice globally. Typically, groups of research rodents are euthanized in specially design CO2 chambers once the research has been completed. 

CO2 Euthanasia is Inhumane...

Evidence from a number of high profile academic studies indicates that the inhalation of CO2 as means of animal euthanasia causes significant animal pain, anxiety, and suffering.  As the chamber is filled with CO2 gas, there is a significant period of time before the animal loses consciousness prior to expiration. During this period of time common fear behaviours such as rearing, escape searching, and vocalizations are often observed indicating significant animal distress. Further, based on the research, this suffocation process can take up to 15 minutes prior to final expiration.


It's Unsafe...

The use of CO2 gas as a euthanization method requires laboratories to outfit their facilities with specialized fumigation hoods and chambers. These fumigation devices are designed to prevent the escape of CO2 gas into the larger operating space. If CO2 is not properly managed, there is a significant risks to the operators including but not limited to fatigue, brain damage, and death.   

And It's Inefficient.

Euthanasia by CO2 requires rodents to be placed in a chamber which is slowly filled with the gas. This process does not allow for rapid loss of consciousness to the rodent which results in prolonged suffering and anxiety. This process in general is ineffective and inefficient from an animal welfare perspective. 


CatchData™ is developing the world's first automated mechanical cervical dislocation euthanasia system specifically designed for bio-medical, pharmaceutical, and laboratory animal research applications.

The Solution

CatchData   Lab Unit


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