Inhumane | Ineffective | Unstustainable
Rodenticides are the most common form of rodent management
Rodenticides are the most common form of commercial and residential rodent control across the globe. Rodenticides fall into two general categories, anticoagulants and non-anticoagulants. Anticoagulant rodenticides (AR) work by interfering with the activation of Vitamin K, a critical component in the production of blood clotting factors in the liver.

Rodenticides are Inhumane...
Once the rodenticide has been ingested by the animal, the poison begins to thin the blood of the animal commonly resulting in internal bleeding and or haemorrhaging. This slow and agonizing process can last up to 10 days before the animal expires or becomes significantly impaired.

Due to the non-discretionary nature of rodenticides, a process called secondary poisoning often occurs whereby a non-target species directly or indirectly ingests the rodenticide. Through a secondary-poisoning process called bioaccumulation, rodenticide residues build up in rodent carcasses to levels many times the minimum lethal doses — exposing rodent-eating predators and scavengers to immense amounts of poison. This has resulted in species such as hawks, owls, foxes, eagles, mountain lions, and many other species to become endangered and or extinct.
...and Ineffective.
The most common approach to deploy rodenticides for commercial and residential rodent control is through the use of bait stations. These bait stations are baited with rodenticide and deployed in the field where they are left unmonitored for months or years. These stations are unable to provide any quantifiable data with respect to rodent visits, efficacy, or overall rodent population reduction.

Join the Cause
The B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has announced its new Rodenticide Action Plan, which includes an 18-month ban on the widespread sale and use of second-generation rodenticides (SGARs) and a scientific review of the root causes of secondary poisoning. Please reach out to your local or regional representative to continue the push to ban rodenticides as a form of rodent control.
The Solution
In response to the inhumane, unsustainable, and ineffective nature of rodenticides, CatchData™ has developed the first smart, non-toxic, and self resetting rodent trap that ensures an instantaneous and humane processing outcome every-time. Our trapping system provides real-time data uploaded to our proprietary app, enhancing end user functionality.