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Investors & Partnerships

Scaling Impact through Strategic Partnerships

Catch Data Ltd, and its SuperTrapTM arrive in a global pest control market whose value is estimated to be in the range of $25b (US 2025), in a global rodent control market whose value is estimated to be in the range of $5b (US 2025), and in a North American rodent control market whose value is estimated to be in the range of $2b (US 2025). The numbers are big, the problems are immense and growing, and the timing for this product is ideal.


While these kinds of numbers are interesting, they tend to underestimate the many less tangible variables that have been central in our thinking (and timing). What are the market implication of a global movement toward secondary rodenticide bans? Leading jurisdictions in the US such as California and New York have already taken steps in this direction, as has British Columbia here in Canada. Most governments in Western Europe either have secondary rodenticide bans in place or are in the process of developing them. Growth projections around the size and scale of the rodent control market in particular are expected to skew upwards significantly over the next few years.

Rat infestation

Furthermore, this technology is highly adaptable to adjacent markets.

Consider the pharmaceutical lab and testing lab industries. More than 120million mice and rats are processed annually for biomedical research in the US alone, representing upwards of 99% of all lab animals used for testing. Animal experimentation is at least a $20b industry in the US market, not including private facilities such as contract research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies. These animals are all euthanized when testing is complete, typically by CO2 asphyxiation (or manually, or both); processes that are neither cost effective or humane.


Consider its adaptability to different invasive small mammal species. We've received inquiries about invasive mink, pigeons, muskrats, squirrels, mongoose, felines, brown tree snakes, African snails, all of which are wreaking havoc on specific ecosystems and are growing out of control. Poisons and rodenticides are often not options in these contexts. Our technology is quickly adaptable to accommodate different small mammal invasive species, and we've successfully developed and tested prototypes for mink, pigeons, and squirrels.

Rat in the kitchen

Catch Data Ltd offers fully developed, certified and patented technology in Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia. The product has undergone 200,000+ hours of field testing in all imaginable environmental circumstances, around the world. It has been tuned and refined through rapid innovation cycles as a result of this extensive field testing. It is 2025, and it is ready for commercialization.


Catch Data Ltd is currently engaged in, and open to engaging further in, partnership opportunities for scaling its growth. We’re looking for like-minded scaling partners to help bring this innovation to global markets; partners in manufacturing and production, and partners in sales and distribution. We're bringing the proven and innovative IP, and 5 years of investment and testing to the table; our partner(s) will want to run with it and bring it to market and have a significant positive impact on the world while doing it.

Partnership with CatchData.

Please reach out if you are a scaled business servicing rodent control markets nationally or internationally, and are interested in investing in this disruptive technology in these early stages!

Catch data rodents guard
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